Tour Nevada’s first congressional district
Serving The Community
Mark and Lesly have been part of the community for more than 32 years. They raised their family here. Mark owned a small business in Henderson. He taught in CCSD and charter schools and at UNLV. He is accountable to the people of his district because they are friends and neighbors.

Military Service
Mark served in the Army for 30 years. He deployed to ten foreign countries, including Afghanistan, Kuwait, and Qatar combat zones. He even deployed to Iraq with his own son, Steve.

Education & Experience
Mark has a degree in Finance from BYU and an MBA. He taught finance at UNLV. He knows how the economy works and how to balance a budget to stop inflation.
mark on the issues
I will fight to strengthen current measures to control our borders – turn off the illegal flow of people coming into our country. This is a matter of national security. A country that does not control who is coming in puts the security of its citizens at risk. Immediately end chain migration, visa lotteries, and vacation-birth citizenship. Develop a simplified legal status verification system that allows employers to know whether a prospective employee is legally in the United States. Continue reading…..
I will only support legislation that puts America and Americans first. Every policy or law passed by Congress should be for the benefit of Americans. In our dealings with foreign governments, Congress must ensure that we put the interests and welfare of Americans ahead of all other considerations. As a country, we can best help the world’s people by setting a good example of living by conservative principles, living within our means, strengthening families, protecting individual liberties, and unleashing businesses from oppressive government regulations.
If I could, I would eliminate the Federal Department of Education and then grant the billions they spend to the States to be used to fund vouchers that parents can use to choose which school is best for their child. This may be public, private, co-op, magnet, charter, or homeschool. Education dollars should follow the student.
I will fight to protect all individual freedoms granted in the Bill of Rights, including Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedom to bear Arms, etc.
I support an amendment to the Constitution requiring a balanced budget. As a nation, we must get our budget and debt under control. The Federal deficit is approaching $35 trillion and growing by billions (even trillions) each year. Printing and spending money we don’t have is the biggest contributor to inflation. Families find it difficult to pay for gas and groceries. I have the courage to stand up to big spenders in Congress.
I support limiting terms to no more than twelve years. America does not need a permanent political class. Members of Congress should be citizens who serve for a limited time and then return to their communities to live under the laws they have created.
Government policies should be designed to encourage strong, stable families without dictating personal choices and practices. Strong families mean strong communities which lead to a strong Nevada and a strong United States of America.
Abortion is a settled law in Nevada. A referendum of the people passed it, which means neither the Governor nor the legislature can overturn it. Only the people of Nevada can change it.
Like 71% of Americans, the people of Nevada think there should be limits on abortion. In Nevada, those limits are 24 weeks and then the life and health of the mother. Dina Titus ignored the will of the people when she voted for a federal law to allow abortion up until the day of delivery and to have the government pay for these unlimited abortions.
I support the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe vs Wade, not just because I’m pro-life, but because it is the correct legal decision. Even Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg stated that the Roe decision was on shaky legal ground. There is nothing in the Constitution about abortion.
When the Constitution is silent on a topic, the power is vested in the States and in “We, the people.” The people of Nevada have spoken. As your representative in Congress, I will not support any federal action that goes against the will of the people of my district.
In the coming days leading up to the elections, you will hear Titus and others talk about abortion. They will bring it up because they don’t want you thinking about inflation, the border crisis, crime, or our failing schools. Remember, the people of Nevada have already spoken on abortion – it is settled law. When career politicians in Nevada bring up abortion, they are just trying to divert your attention from their disastrous policies, which have devastated our country. Don’t let them get away with it.
In the 2022 election, Dina Titus squeaked by with just 51.6% of the vote – the lowest percentage of all other Democrats who won Congressional elections in Nevada.
We proved we can beat Titus. We beat Titus in Henderson. We beat Titus in Boulder City. We beat Titus by 20 points with in-person voters. Her very narrow victory was only because of Democrat ballot harvesting and mail-in voting. Without mail-in ballots, we would have coasted to a big victory. That would have been consistent with polls that had me up by as much as 12% in the last week of the election.
Like Ronald Reagan and Abraham Lincoln, who also lost their first elections, I will use the lessons learned in 2022 to win in 2024. Here’s how…
· Republicans must embrace early voting, mail-in voting, and voter assistance. Until we can change the laws, we will use them to our advantage. Republican leaders, at all levels, are encouraging us to “bank our vote” by voting early.
· Personal contact with Republicans who didn’t vote. Titus’ margin of victory over me and the Libertarian candidate was just over 7,000 votes, yet 46,000 registered Republicans did not vote. We have their contact information and an army of volunteers to encourage them to vote in ‘24.
· Capitalize on our momentum. Democrats are not excited about a dazed and confused Joe Biden or his strongest supporter, Dina Titus. Republicans are excited and energized to replace Biden and expand our majority in Congress. We will capitalize on this enthusiasm and momentum by getting more people involved in our Get Out the Vote (GOTV) efforts.
· Expand our base. In 2022, we spent a lot of time in our Hispanic communities. A large percentage of the votes I received came from independent and non-partisan voters. We will double our outreach efforts to bring voters into our coalition.
The last election was the first time I’ve run for public office. Voters now know who I am. We will capitalize on the goodwill, name recognition, and lessons learned in 2022 to win in 2024.
What people are saying about Mark
Mark Robertson retired from the U.S. Army. Use of his rank and photos in uniform does not imply an endorsement by the United States Military.
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